K.T. Connor, PhD, RSHI President, provides a letter sharing updates from the Institute's work on an all-new website, recaps the 2019 Annual Conference, and shares thanks to all our members.
Happy New Year greetings!
2019 has been a year of serious progress and we are grateful. We finally have a brand new website, thanks to Suzie Price and Doug Lawrence, with Rick Bowers’ help as well. And we had a really successful conference, thanks to Cliff Hurst and his Westminster team.
Now we’re gearing up for 2020. Yes, we have many practitioners who use several different systems based on the Hartman Value Profile. One of our hopes is to help one another serve people through that gem.
Another of our hopes is to help the world renew itself through Hartman’s thinking. What a wonderful world it would be if we spread the value brilliance of this man.
As one who teaches Ethics in Public Administration, I am so overjoyed at how the county and city government employees I teach respond to Freedom to Live: The Robert Hartman Story. That book has been a real gift for them. Hopefully, as the Institute continues to publish more and more of Hartman’s work, we will see his impact slowly change the world.
Thank you for being part of the Institute. And if you are just one who reads the newsletter, think of joining. You would have access to so much more as a result.
Many warm wishes for a great 2020.
K.T. Connor, PhD
RSHI Board President