
Board President Letter
2020 Conference Updates
Membership Reminders
Journal of Axiology Updates
Contributions & Publications Notice
Greetings ,
Have you ever wondered why we feel Hartman is so important? Have you realized that, though we know his profile has enriched many, there is more?
There’s a monograph of Hartman that we will be publishing and making available. It’s about war. And he begins it by reflecting on his experience of Hitler’s war appetite. He keyed into Hitler’s impact on the good people whom he governed, how they failed to see what he was doing. It captures a view that echoes what our world needs today, though it speaks of his experience under Hitler.
With a little compassion, with a little conscience, with a little responsibility--of all, for all men on this globe--the whole catastrophe would have been avoided. Against the motto of the strong--Divide and Rule-- the weak, the common people of the earth, you and I, must embrace the motto Teamwork, in war as in peace…. Teamwork of all races, teamwork of all religions, of all classes, of all professions, teamwork of all families, teamwork of all nations.
In the spirit of Hartman’s insight into the evil of dividing--and the goodness of collaborating--we must work hard to bring people together. And we hope this bringing together inspires many to dig deeper in Hartman’s rich coaching into how to build a better world. Let’s find some exceptional ways to unite rather than divide, to join with, rather than conquer.
That’s why we encourage all to join the Institute—yes, some use the profile and share with others even from different sources. But perhaps even more important, some think hard and carefully about the value of Hartman’s unique sensitivity in our day to day world. Let us join together and use his vision to face the challenges that surround us.
We want to reach out to unite the world. We want to build others up so that they know and accept themselves and reach out to give. Fortunately, there are many who are enriched by Hartman’s view. His challenging and strengthening thinking will not only enrich their lives, but their world, and also ours, as they begin to share it.
I’ve been with the Institute for 30 years now and am grateful to have known those who have known Hartman. I am grateful, too, of those who have joined in the last several years and have given themselves to bring Hartman’s work more and more close to affecting our world of today.
Thank you for taking the time to think about all this. Be sure to explore some of his writings. They will wrap you deeply with his unique but universal vision!
K.T. Connor, PhD President


We've been working hard to line up an educational, high-value conference just for you! Here are the latest updates:
- Location: We are super excited to share that the 44th Annual RSHI Conference will be held at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville in their beautiful new Student Union
- 2020 Theme: Transforming People, Work, and the World
- Dates: Reception October 14th 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Conference Sessions October 15th & 16th 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Agenda: Learn from experts from around the world about how the science of Axiology is transforming business, education, peace, public policy, innovation, ethics, marketing, sports, teams, mindset, coaching, politics and more. You'll also learn about the UTK Special Collections department - where 100,000+ pages of Hartman's research is archived and their Office of Sustainability will be helping us hold a Zero Waste Event. We expect over 100 attendees!
We're lining up amazing presenters now, and will be sharing the confirmed Agenda soon. If you have a topic you'd like to share or you have topic ideas, please contact me.
If you and your organization would like to express your belief and support in the RSHI Mission by supporting the 2020 Conference, please contact me. So far we have four sponsors: we share a A BIG THANK YOU to Yale New Haven Hospital, Business Visions Group, Charlotte and Art Ellis, Ph.D. and the Center for Applied AxioMetrics!
This is a great time to bring together your clients, prospects, and colleagues for a meeting or training session. Would you and your team be interested? We have one organization confirmed for a pre-conference training session, and THREE more, very nice, low-cost UTK training spaces available to other groups. Please contact me very soon to indicate your interest.
We've picked the best location and the nicest space, and are working on the best-negotiated rate, at the Hyatt Downtown Knoxville. This hotel is within walking distance of Market Square and is a short Trolley ride or walk to the UTK Campus. (Look for more hotel booking info, soon.)
We sure could use your help! If you'd like to help with marketing, building the agenda, working with Special Collections, registration, helping with the Zero Waste Event initiative and more, let me know and we'll get you involved!
Finally, look for online Pre-registration links, next month!
RSHI VP of Research Cliff Hurst's 2019 RSHI Conference gave a wonderful opening talk, titled: Let's Change the World! Watch it Here. Cliff's inspiring message reveals more about Robert S. Hartman and the mission of RSHI.
Suzie Price VP of IT/Social Media 2020 Conference Host/Chair


Part of your membership includes an optimized member profile in the member directory. Use this space to share your story, link to your website, and promote yourself! See how in the Member's Area Guide.
If you have any trouble accessing or renewing your members, please email: [email protected]
Catherine Blakemore VP Membership
Download the Member's Area Guide


We are now inviting submissions of papers for consideration of publication in the 2020 volume of the Journal of Formal Axiology: Theory and Practice.
For the 2020 volume, we are especially interested in articles that pertain to teleological applications of Hartman’s theory. Don’t be put off by the word “teleology.” It simply means “self-directed, goal-oriented change over time.” If you are using the theory of formal axiology, and/or the HVP in settings such as executive coaching, personal coaching, counseling, or leadership development, you are helping a client or patient to deliberately change over time. These are teleological applications of formal axiology. We welcome case studies, empirical or theoretical papers related to this theme.
We also will consider papers on matters of formal axiology that are not necessarily related to this year’s theme.
Guidelines for submission, as stated in the front pages of the Journal, are:
- This journal is published once a year by the Robert S. Hartman Institute. All articles must have an obvious connection with the formal axiology or value theory of Robert S. Hartman and its applications. Articles may be critical, constructive, creative, theoretical, or applied. None dealing with axiology in general will be considered. Articles must advance our understanding of Hartmanian axiology and/or what can be done with it. No manuscripts will be accepted that merely summarize what is already known, or that have been previously published, submitted, or accepted elsewhere.
- MANUSCRIPTS should be submitted as e-mail attachments to Cliff Hurst at: [email protected]. They should be in MS Word format, 12 point type. Articles will be subject to blind review, so the name of and contact information for the author(s) should appear only on the title page, which will be deleted by the Editor before sending the article on to members of our Editorial Advisory Board or to other reviewers for their blind assessment of its worthiness for publication.
Also, remember that one of your RSHI Membership Benefits is access to all Journals, located in the Members Only Area, just login here. (If you are not a Member yet, join here.)
Cliff Hurst, PhD VP of Research


The Robert S. Hartman Institute would love your support if you feel inspired by his work and this community!
We do not have employees. The Institute is managed by caring volunteers who give freely of their time to manage the website, conduct research, run the conferences, track members, publish Journals and more!
We use contributions to cover hard costs - such as paying for tech and research support, covering the cost of the website, the journals and our conferences. And - we'd like to do so much more. Help us offset hard cost expenses like this.
Join in on our vision to evolve and grow the way the world works, acts and thinks by sharing the work of the science of values!
Help us share Hartman's peaceful messages and the path to self-awareness and self-actualization. Your contributions can help us spread these messages and keep Hartman's work alive.
We want your feedback on a proposed gift-book concept to be added to our online bookstore!

