

January 2021 | VOLUME 44 | ISSUE 1
Board President Letter Hartman Happy Hour Membership Reminders Journal of Axiology Updates Contributions & Publications Notice

Happy 2021 ,
Robert Hartman shared four steps for developing our inner selves in his book Freedom to Live. Here are the steps and the philosophers he credited:
- - Know yourself. (Socrates)
- - Choose yourself. (Kierkegaard)
- - Grow yourself. (Pico della Mirandola's and Kierkegaard's)
- - Give yourself to something great than yourself. (Jesus)

Each step is empowering and energizing, providing a sense of control and possibility. Especially now, when there is so much going on around us that we cannot control. The benefit to ourselves and the world is endless.
Axiology helps us understand and embrace all the Good we've come into this world with. It helps us accept who we are, while also pointing out EXACTLY where we can grow. Showing what is possible and shining light on how we can become more.
Hartman said, "This is the material you have to develop to infinity, and there is absolutely no limit... to which you can go...You are your own creation. It's never too late..."
Self-discovery leads to self-knowledge. Self-knowledge leads to self-choosing and self-creating. This leads to impactful giving to others and as we grow our inner selves we have more to give others. What a wonderful way to live, give and love. "Know yourself, Choose yourself, Grow yourself, Give of yourself."
Axiology Sightings - Organizations and People Changing the World Through Axiology:
- The University of Central Arkansas is starting a Leadership and Change PhD. program in 2021. The program will include nine courses related to Hartmanian logic and axiology. Board Member Malcolm North, PhD. has been instrumental in developing it.
- Axiology is also a part of the leadership programs Cliff Hurst, PhD. teaches at Fielding University. Cliff is our VP of Research.
- California Lutheran University Public Administration graduate students all read: Freedom to Live. Their Professor is RSHI Wisdom Council Member (and former President) KT Connor, PhD.
What's New:
Check out the information below for details about:
- Come to next week's Hartman Happy Hour - a one-hour monthly networking and learning session.
- Learn about the latest Journal of Formal Axiology, Volume 13.
- Discover Hartman's newest book -The Revolution Against War.
If you have suggestions or Axiology Sightings and blog posts to share, please reach out. Thank you for being a RSHI Colleague!
Suzie Price President

Join Us for the Hartman Happy Hour!
If you enjoy learning about how people use Hartman’s work, join us for our regular Hartman Happy Hours we dive into the application and legacy of Hartman's work. These Happy Hours are available to all people who are interested, who want to network, and share from their different perspectives and approaches to Hartman's work. This is a complimentary, no fee, and regularly occurring event for anyone interested in Axiology and Robert Hartman. It will be a time to connect, collaborate, share, and learn!
The first three happy hours are to diversify the sharing and discover what you want more of as the year progresses.Come to meet new people, discover new things,and exchange ongoing learning.
Next Wednesday will be a book exchange. February a HVP debrief exchange,in March a research exchange.
Join Us On Next Week - Wednesday, January 13, 2021 Save these dates: February 10th and March 10th 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST / 3:00 PM CST / 8:00 PM GMT
With HHH Host and Facilitator Pam Brooks-Richards

We are so grateful for the rich history of the Robert S. Hartman Institute and even more grateful for the continued growth we see both at the Institute and with the legacy and influence of the Hartman Value Profile worldwide.
With that gratitude, we want to thank and welcome the 57 new members who have joined our organization in the past three months. We’re so thrilled to have you all join us for all the incredible things we have planned for 2021 and beyond. If you are new to RSHI and/or Axiology - visit our New Member Resources page for two resources, four steps to take, and actions you can take to get involved.
Don't forget - one of your Member Benefits is access to all thirteen issues of the Journal of Formal Axiology. Another benefit is an optimized member profile in the member directory. Use this space to share your story, link to your website, and promote yourself! See how in the Member's Area Guide.
If you have any trouble accessing or renewing your membership, please email:[email protected]
Download the Member's Area Guide

Volume 13 of the Journal of Formal Axiology is Now Available!
A theme emerged as this volume of the Journal of Formal Axiology started to come together. The theme became that of illustrating the evolution of Hartman’s lifelong quest to develop a science of values and
valuation. At the core of his quest, of course, was his development of the theory of formal axiology. But
formal axiology does not stand on its own as a full-fledged science of values. It needs something more. What that something more consists of became the theme of this issue of the Journal. We hope you find it interesting, insightful, and informative.
- C. Stephen Byrum, The Hartman Dissertation: A “Portal” to Hartman’s Formal Axiology
- Robert S. Hartman, Preface to Hartman’s Dissertation: Can Field Theory be Applied to Ethics?
- Leonardo Gómez-Navas Chapas, The Unified Science of Value and Teleological Value
- Malcolm North, Freedom from Prejudice: The Value Creation Path to Human Flourishing
- Clifford G. Hurst, The Role of the Situation in Hartman’s Thought
- Robert S. Hartman, My Work
If you are a Member you receive complimentary access when you log in to the Member Center.
SUBMISSIONS: We are taking submissions for 2021. Guidelines for submission, as stated in the front page the Journal, are:
- This journal is published once a year by the Robert S. Hartman Institute. All articles must have an obvious connection with the formal axiology or value theory of Robert S. Hartman and its applications. Articles may be critical, constructive, creative, theoretical, or applied. None dealing with axiology, in general, will be considered. Articles must advance our understanding of Hartmanian axiology and/or what can be done with it. No manuscripts will be accepted that merely summarize what is already known, or that have been previously published, submitted, or accepted elsewhere.
- MANUSCRIPTS should be submitted as e-mail attachments to Cliff Hurst at[email protected] They
should be in MS Word format, 12 point type. Articles will be subject to blind review, so the name of and contact information for the author(s) should appear only on the title page, which will be deleted by the Editor before sending the article on to members of our Editorial Advisory Board or to other reviewers for their blind assessment of its worthiness for publication.
Cliff Hurst, PhD VP of Research


As the New Year arrived amidst plenty of gloomy news, I sought to find comfort somewhere. I find encouragement in these words that Hartman wrote in The Revolution Against War.
“If the world were not primarily good and orderly, most planes would crash, most cars collide, most people be sick—and insurance companies broke. That they are flourishing is a proof that evil and contingency are a statistically small element in the orderly universe. Hence faith is rationally justified. We should have the courage to have faith, faith in faith.”
My New Years’ wish is that all members of the RSHI have the courage to have faith in faith.
BOOK NEWS: Work has been completed on a gift,The Wit and Wisdom of Robert S. Hartman: Inspiration for Living Fully, Quotes by Robert S. Hartman. The anticipated publication is early 2021. I think you will really l like the content and can't wait to share it with you.
Cliff Hurst, PhD VP of Research

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