Agenda — 44th Annual (1st Virtual) — RSHI Conference
The conference is now complete. Members can gain access to the recorded sessions for $75.00.


Opening/Welcome: RSHI President K.T. Connor |
Plenary Session: How High Performing Professionals Are Using Axiology in Their Work and Life to Survive and Thrive – A Panel Discussion Featuring:
- Jay Morris, Ph.D., VP, Education & Executive Director, Institute for Excellence, Yale New Haven Health Hospital and RSHI Board Member (Connecticut)
- Sophie Couthard, Workplace Wellbeing Co-Founder, Speaker, Podcast Host, Author (London)
- Drea Douglass, Director of Talent Management Consulting, The Brooks Group (North Carolina)
- Facilitated by Suzie Price, Assessment Expert, Facilitator, Podcast Producer and Author, Priceless Professional Development and RSHI Board Member (Atlanta)
In This Session We Will Cover: How and why each leader uses Axiology and Hartman’s work in their business, why it’s even more important in the world today, and how axiology has personally impacted them.
Practitioner Track: Explaining Axiology to an 8th Grader with Ron Price, Founder/CEO at Price Associates, Founder/Senior Facilitator at The Complete Leader
In This Session Ron Will Cover: How to amplify your influence with others. How to convert Hartman’s terminology into everyday language. How to plant the seeds of Axiology in an 8th grader.
Academic Track: Who Robert S. Hartman Was and Why He’s Relevant Today from People Who Knew and Worked Closely with Him - A Panel Discussion Featuring:
- Art Ellis, Ph.D., Retired Licensed Professional Counselor (Tennessee)
- Rem Edwards, Ph.D., Lindsay Young Professor of Philosophy Emeritus (Tennessee)
- Steve Byrum, Ph.D., The Byrum Consulting Group, LLC; Founding Senior Partner and Chief Content Officer, Judgment Index (Tennessee)
- Wayne Carpenter, Ph.D., Chairman and Founder of Axiometrics International (Tennessee)
- Mark Moore, Ph.D., CEO of Atlantic Alpha Strategies, LLC (Georgia)
- Facilitated by K.T. Connor, Ph.D., Managing Director of the Center of Applied Axiometrics; RSHI Board Member, President (California)
In This Session We Will Cover: Why each person was drawn to Hartman and decided to pursue and expand his ideas throughout their career, why Hartman is relevant to today and each person will share their fondest personal memory of their time with Hartman.
Opening/Welcome: RSHI Board Member
Plenary Session: How Employees Evolve and What Influences Change - Five Year Study by Fernanda Zenzio, Accupeople, Mexico
In This Session Fernanda Will Cover: Results from their five-year study, revealing: what and who Accupeople tracked, what we thought we’d find and what we discovered and how COVID19 and working from home is affecting people.
Practitioner Track: Using Axiology to Solve Problems with Jim Comenzo, President of Creating Healthy Relationships, LLC (Pennsylvania)
In This Session Jim Will Cover: How Axiology: Shortened the go-to-market time for products from industry leader In the automotive aftermarket; Grew profitability for a leader in the industry of health and weight loss; Resolved a potential break up of a couple in counseling
Academic Track: The Influence of War on Hartman’s Thoughts and Why That Matters Today– A Discussion with Brand Strategist Catherine Blakemore and The Revolution of War Editor: Cliff Hurst, Ph.D. (Utah)
In This Session Catherine and Cliff Will Cover: Robert Hartman’s life was marked by war. It was his study of war that led, in large part, to his development of the value theory for which he is best known—formal axiology. Cliff Hurst and the Institute have worked diligently to bring previously unavailable writings to the public through a brand new book: The Revolution Against War by Robert S. Hartman. In this session, we will share a brief reading of an excerpt on Hartman's views of war and peace. Then engage in a facilitated discussion with the book editor, Cliff Hurst, on how The Revolution Against War is more relevant now than ever before. Session attendees will receive an exclusive digital PDF excerpt from the newly published book.

Plenary Session: Creating Meaning and Happiness in Life – Leading With Love with Steve Byrum, Ph.D., The Byrum Consulting Group, LLC; Founding Senior Partner and Chief Content Officer, Judgment Index (Tennessee)
In This Session Steve Will Cover: Meaning As Happiness; Where Buber and Heidegger Ended Up; The Caveat of Reinhold Niebuhr; and The Challenge to Hartman's 'Four Self Rules.'"
Practitioner Track: What an Intrinsic - People First Dynamic - Looks Like In the Real World - A Panel Discussion Featuring:
- Sheri Smith, CEO, and Founder at Indigo Education Company (Colorado)
- Chip Scholz Executive Coach, Author, Speaker, Facilitator, Entrepreneur, Scholz and Associates, Inc. (North Carolina)
- Robert Calabrese, Principal at Business Visions Group and Former Monk (New Jersey)
- Darlene Clark Owner, Value Partners Consulting, LLC (Texas)
- Facilitated By: Marc Simms, Employee Retention Specialist, Right Performance Management (Florida)
In This Session We Will Cover: Real-life examples in business, education, and healthcare of how the Intrinsic (people-first) makes a difference and strategies for bringing more of this dynamic into your business and life.
Closing Plenary: Change3 - Respect, Like and Love – Making World a Better Place - Break out Networking and Discussion Groups
In This Session We Will Cover: Specifics to be added shortly...